250 часов Expert онлайн-курс
Подайте заявку, чтоб зарегистрироваться на онлайн-курс TEFL и TESOL 250-часов Expert, и получите персональный сертификат TEFL/TESOL, признаваемый престижным Британским центром ACCRIN. Это то, что вам нужно, чтобы получить хорошо оплачиваемую работу за границей или преподавать онлайн! Вы получите признанную квалификацию в дополнение к базовым навыкам, необходимым для успешной работы преподавателем ESL/EFL.
Стоимость курса от US$250
Доступна рассрочка для «250 часов Expert» - US$499 вместо US$1000 скидка 50% (Оплачивайте сейчас US$250, чтобы начать курс, и через 30 дней оставшиеся US$249)
Подайте заявку сейчас и получите 50% скидку на курс, поддержку персонального тренера и пожизненную помощь в трудоустройстве в подарок!
До конца акции осталось:
Какой сертификат вы получите?
После окончания 250-часового онлайн-курса TEFL/TESOL вы получите именной сертификат:
- Аккредитован Британским центром в международно-признанной организации ACCRIN.
- Подходит для рабочих виз и онлайн-обучения.
- Не имеет срока давности.
- Без указания того, что оно было получено онлайн.
- С уникальным номером для аутентификации и онлайн-проверки.
- С печатью, голограммой, QR и штрих-кодом.
- Приложение к сертификату - расшифровка курса.
Будьте внимательны: не все учебные центры аккредитованы и выдают лицензионные сертификаты TEFL/TESOL с печатью, голограммой, QR и штрих-кодами. Подтвердите свою компетентность пожизненным сертификатом в формате PDF. По окончанию курса вы получаете сертификат бесплатно. Бумажный вариант сертификата можно заказать по почте в любую точку мира!
Что вы получите с 250-часовым курсом TEFL/TESOL?
С персональным сертификатом TEFL/TESOL вы получите признанную квалификацию в дополнение к базовым навыкам, необходимым для успешной работы преподавателем ESL/EFL. Он идеально подходит для получения хорошо оплачиваемой работы за границей или онлайн-обучения.
Рабочая виза
Помощь в трудоустройстве
Репетитор-носитель языка
Персональный аккаунт
Платформа онлайн-обучения
Техническая поддержка
Планирование урока
Расширенное обучение английскому языку онлайн
Продвинутое преподавание делового английского
Продвинутое преподавание английского языка юным ученикам
Как создать резюме
Рекомендательное письмо
Брошюра с руководством по грамматике
Что включает в себя программа обучения?
Учебная программа 250-часового онлайн-курса TEFL и TESOL включает 13 модулей, 22 темы и 219 юнитов.
Модуль 1
- Introduction
- Advantages
- About the Course
- Getting started
- TEFL, TESL and TESOL definitions
- Student role
- Identifying a student
- Teacher role
- Useful terminology
- Specific characteristics of the English Language
- Things That Make English Difficult for Foreigners to Learn
- Glossary of terms
- Language teaching methodologies
- Communicative Approach
- Teaching Methods
- Teaching Style
- Classroom diversity
- The Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR)
Модуль 2
- Differences between child and adult language learners
- Teaching children
- Activities for children
- Keeping Teenagers interested
- Activities for teenagers
- Handling exam classes
- The Importance of Data-Based Decision Making
- Needs Analysis
- English for Specific Purposes
- English for Academic Purposes
- Business English
- One-to-One English Lessons
Модуль 3
- Managing your Classroom
- Classroom management and manner
- Teacher Talk
- Task Giving instructions
- Tips for successful instruction
- Gestures
- Task and Tips
- Interaction
- Interaction Tips
- Manner
- Putting Students into Pairs and Groups
- Organising your board
Модуль 4
- Situational presentations
- Tips for situational presentations
- Focusing on language via a text
- Focusing on language via a recording
- Test Teach Test approach
- Tips for Test Teach Test approach
- Task Based Learning
- Task Based Learning example lessons
- Focusing on language – lexis
- Problems when learning new lexis
- The PROS and CONS of students using dictionaries
- Tips to illustrate meaning effectively
- Help the students to remember what they have learnt
Модуль 5
- Grammar
- Spelling It Out
- Forming Plurals of Nouns
- Adding Prefixes and Suffixes
- The English Way
- Commonly confused Words
- Parts of Speech
- Sentence Structure
- Verb Varieties
Модуль 6
- The Nature of Pronunciation
- Accent
- Accuracy and Fluency
- Consonant and Vowel Sounds
- The th sound
- The r sound
- The l sound
- The η sound
- The b, v and w sounds
- The d3 sound
- The sound I
- The e sound
- The short a sound
- The vowels of r
- The ʌ sound
- The oo sound
- The au or aw sound
- The o spelling pattern
Модуль 7
- Productive Competences
- The nature of spoken discourse and how to teach it
- The process of writing and how to teach it
- Foreign language mediation. New skills for English language teaching
- Teaching Speaking
- Accuracy and Fluency
- Diagnosing ESL students spoken English
- Guidelines for preparing speaking lessons
- A strategic approach to teaching speaking
- Ice Breakers
- Warm-up Fillers Games
- Fluency activities
- Integrated Skills Activities
- Focused Practice Activities
- Tips to Make Activities More Effective
- Teaching Writing Lessons
- Writing as product and process
- Guidelines for preparing writing lessons
- A strategic approach to teaching writing
- Writing is a process of discovery
- Six-stage cycle
- Giving feedback
- Prewriting, planning, and strategies
- Writing topics and strategies
- Editing and revising
Модуль 8
- Receptive Competences
- Reading, listening and viewing as interactive processes
- Reading, listening and viewing as complex competences
- Challenges of receptive processes in foreign language contexts
- Process-oriented text reception
- Different genres, goals, purposes and strategies related to reception
- Teaching Reading
- Guidelines for preparing reading lessons
- A Strategic approach to Teaching Reading
- Bottom-up and Top-down processings
- Tips and Guidelines
- Intensive and Extensive Reading
- Teaching Text Structure
- Pre-reading activities
- Reading activities
- Post-Reading activities
- Intensive Activities
- Extensive Activities
- Teaching Listening
- Staging a Listening Skills Lesson
- Problems of _Real-Life_ Listening
- Tips (to help the students)
- Tips (to help the teacher)
- Basic Listening Comprehension Activities
- Specific Listening Skills Activities
- Integrated Skills Activities
Модуль 9
- Better Lesson Plans, Better Lessons
- Stages
- What is a Lesson Warm-Up
- A learning objective
- The Presentation Stage as Direct Instructions
- Guided and Independent Practice
- Evaluation, an End-of-Lesson Assessment
- Assessment Overview. Formative vs. Summative
- The Role of Homework
- Assessing Student Understanding
- Checking Understanding
- Lesson plan template
- Anticipating Problems
- Lesson planning. What would you do if...
- Using Course Book and Authentic Materials
- Testing Students
- Technology as an aid to learning
- Tips for writing a good lesson plan
Модуль 10: Specialized course Teaching online
- Understanding and defining Teaching Online
- Creating intrinsic motivation
- A variety of educational opportunities
- Main platforms and approaches
- Teaching via an online learning platform
- Teaching via Skype
- Discovering the benefits
- Technology and Tools
- How to Teach Online
- Helping Beginners
- Challenges for teachers
- Teachers of the Future
- How to create an online course
- How to become a First-Class Online EFL Teacher
- Summary and Get started your career as online teacher
- Looking at the TEFL Marketplace
Модуль 11: Specialized course teaching English to Young learners
- The Playful Approach
- Teaching
- Maturing Children
- Parents’ involvement
- Planning, managing and assessing
- Extending spoken ability
- Introducing reading English
- Introducing handwriting
- Learning to spell
- Projects and activities
- Creativity
- Grammar templates
- Oral storytelling
- Drama with Young Learners
- Teaching Young Learners with Technology
- Assessment and Portfolios
- Developing Principles Materials for Young Learners
- Teacher expertise
Модуль 12: Specialized course teaching Business English
- Business English around the world
- The need for research-based teaching
- Teaching English as a business lingua franca or international business language
- Spoken Business English
- The importance of research into spoken Business English in intercultural contexts
- Ritual exchanges in negotiations
- Using a genre approach in the teaching of Business English
- Teaching written Business English
- Intertextuality and interdiscursivity in the classroom
- New media and new technology in the Business English classroom
- Project-based learning
- Team-teaching
- Blended learning
- Designing Business English Teaching Materials
- Business English Resources
- Examples of conversational lesson plans
- Business idioms, phrasal verbs and collocations
Модуль 13: Bonus course 'To get prepared to get a dream job'
- TEFL & TESOL Marketplace
- The CV is the Ticket to the Job Race
- Action words
- The structure of the CV
- Teacher Resume Examples
- Cover letter
- Interview Tips to Help You Get the Job
- Common Interview Questions
- Teacher Interview Questions with Tips or Answer
- Questions You Should Ask the Interviewer
- The Demonstration Lesson
- Tips to find a job quickly
- An outline contract framework
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Отзывы о 250-часовом курсе TEFL/TESOL
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